Maybe Tomorrow

The Word of God

Maybe tomorrow and I will see, if I have time to ponder on Eternity.

For I have no time to contemplate, that is something that can wait.

I have many things to do today, and I have no time along the way.

Eternity is not important my friend, it�s a long time before the end.

It may be short or it may be long, be prepared you won’t go wrong.

For everyone will go in time, your departure is different than mine.

Some counting on tomorrow, will leave this earth in much sorrow.

While those prepared to depart, will leave earth with a joyful heart.

There are men who can�t conceive, in the afterlife that we believe.

They just can not comprehend, that things continue after they end,

After they end, here on the earth; temporal home of a natural birth.

For after your body ceases to be, the soul continues on for eternity.

In your own heart you can prepare, to meet The Lord up in the air.

There are men who�ll have no part, of letting Christ into their heart.

Even if you�re just not sure, you my friend, will still meet The Lord.

For it is destined for all my friend, to face His Judgment in the end.

As you live your earthly life, what are you doing about Jesus Christ?

When all here is said and done, are you ready to meet God�s Son?

That is when the world shall see, that ahead for all men is Eternity.

But for you to have Eternal Life, today you must accept Jesus Christ.

(Copyright �10/2005)

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