I saw a growing brews
Growing in a peasant plantation
Under it blooming vale
that cover round its roots

I draw the attention of sun
Unveiling its secret from sand

the dusky sun that will not scotch
But i think i can make scorch
From its alien torch
That ring down from horizon

I stay in the midst of scurvy soil
Willing to endear its toil
Then i start my lyrics
In the way of Michael Jordan
Because i believe to stay still
Until clamouring moon steals
I will call the zion of zenith
Seeking its attention for my victory
Micheal Jackson will stand a stage
And call her to my feast

Marian Makemba is there to sing a country
That will repair the rift on earth
I see the mimy moon shining at
The end of the day
And she must be mine whatsoever way

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