Wonder what love bound by rules

constrained by laws, enslaved by circumstances

Should love be caged as prisoners ta the bar

How ruined desires are

Love which is love, goes not with bounds

Defy warnings and knows not taboo

And so stand all stains


So have i come to suffer for, and bear her cross

Not for my heart neither my soul

Nor is it for my mistress

But for my love, i bear pains with strains

Days and night busy my mind with thought

I must bend not for any rule

Far beyound my reach lies the one i need

As i can reach her

No taboo, race with tribe upon whom i count

For truelly my love is not mean

Author's Notes/Comments: 

love ineed is not bound by rules. Always wonder if distance or whatever forms of  differences( language race or tribe) should hinder expression of an ideal love 


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