Tomorrow never must be doomed
Less today be cursed
There is no doubt or there is?
In this love they show us
And the acid with which our water is mixed
Hence we must curse them
Just to show them our love

Lets curse them
Who invited this obstinate and adamant syndrome
Adamant that she refuse to go
She insist to raze the pleasures of our souls
And resist all that stand to cure it
soul to soul she move and ravage us
Dreadful song she sings
And this tune comply us though

Lets curse them
Little about her we know
But the more we suffer for it
Lets curse them
Little they have it shares
But the burden upon us it lies

Just curse them
them be your kinsmen
Your friend foe, nothing they are
They are to be cursed
Venomously they are good
And good friend that poison friends

Lets curse them
We all are living corpses
Certainly tomorrow is not smilling
But today need taste his mess
Cleansed only this plague
That both stay free and cleaned
If it stick, both are doomed

Thus we shall perish
So sure they must be cursed

Author's Notes/Comments: 

many of the plagues we live with today are the result of the evils perpetrated by men of yesteryear. And if we suffer for the sins of man of yesterday, will it not be too nice to wish them well

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