
What happened that night would torment the boys forever.  The game was called wicked, and wicked it was indeed.  It was a casual, regular summer day when the Terry felt he was wasting his time, and decided to go with Chris and disturb the undisturbed.  These two were masterminds at coming up with something unproductive to do, it was how they spent this summer until they encountered wicked.  It started out as a spooky prank, convincing friends to meet up with them in an abandoned cabin down by the lake at midnight.  Terry and Chris would be there waiting for them and would scare the pants off of their friends.  But soon enough they would discover the cabin was not abandoned.  On the third time they played the prank, Chris and Terry were getting ready to scare their next gullible patient but he never arrived. The door slammed shut, the wood creaked and the wind howled throuh the old rotten walls.  It apppeared they were locked in.  Chris began to panic and ran towards the door, slamming his body onto it just to find him bouncing back onto the floor.  There was no light except the moons reflection off the lake that came through one tiny window at the top of the cabin.  Terry pulled out his matches and flicked one on, an old man was standing in front of them holding an axe.  A gush of wind came through the creaky walls and blew the match out.  He pulled out another match and again saw the old man but now he was walking towards them.  The old mans face was could be described with the word death.  He seemed hollow, as if a shadow or a ghost.  His grip tightened on the axe and he began to lift it.  Chris and Terry were paralized.  A swing of the axe blew the match out and they were blind once again.  All they heard was a voice, the voice of wicked.  "You shall not escape, you are prisoners here to me forever!!"  At that moment, Billy came in through the door and the ghost disappeared. The boys went running out of the cabin not looking back until a mile down.  Terry and Chris looked at eachother and said, "man, that was some wicked booze".

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