Energy Enough

Oldies :)

Can you feel my pain as I pierce you with my gaze?
Can you smell the blood that stains my guilty past as I hold you close to me?
Can you sense the evil power locked within my mind as you search my thoughts?
Why are my hands rough on your soft skin?
Why can’t I see my own soul when I see my reflection, but you can?
I know you feel my pain, smell the blood, and sense the power.
But why do you not care?
You see my soul, life, future, when I cannot.
You are what’s fighting the growing insanity inside me, and yet you still have energy enough to say…
“…I love you…”

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Still, another 'existence' poems. Again, reminding myself that I AM alive, and I DO have fault, but that there are people who will accept me...

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