my daily poem feb 13, 2004; late grandma's valentine

My little bouquet of red roses brighten

up great grandma's humble grave.

Great grandma, a distant figure in a distant past,

learnt only from the little words

from late grandma. Great grandma,

a victim of the Opium War as great

grandpa fell for the drug, sending

grandma down the ladder of a happy marriage;

her remaining days spent worrying over where to

get the means to satiate grandpa's next fix.

The scars of those days still send shivers

down our spines as to the adversities

of narcotics and the evil empire

that allowed this trade to flourish.

Her life shattered and family broken up,

great grandma spent her last days in

an old folks' home, dying among strangers.

These red roses today come with my earnest heart

to appease her soul. Aptly, a swarm of

birds nearby belt out a chorus of praise

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