

this chill that

comes with autumn

the memory of your warmth

and lost years trail off

with the wind


torn sock -

covering the holes

with a foot


childhood fun -

calling out to the

doggie in the cloud


valentine avalanche

she looks for the name

that really matters


in a prison i dwell

i long to go here and there

as i wish - to see you

it seems i must defy god

for creating me in such a state


i did not cry over

dad's death but wept over

human backwardness

how death, such inaction

can overtake us


the malay boy as i

praised his cap turned around

to quote a price

what a change, fifty years ago,

the boy would have run


inaccurate watch -

he asks colleagues whether

he had been coming late


remembering elvis -

mom combs child hair back

with thick haircream


japanese bathhouse

the foreigner asks whether

she can bathe without being nude


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