Spring Board

Plush ground beneath her feet

The earth a spring board
For delicate toes
Scents of decay
Waif to nose
This life a juxtapose 
How will the fairy leave the forrest?
With it's fields of Indian paint brush
Brightening hills of many shades
Mountains notching expeirence 
On her soul
Her canine friends can roam unfettered here
In natures grasp
Adventures abound at their finger tips
Steams full of bounty
For feet to splash carelessly 
Scent, touch, and endless beauty
This land
A ballad
Of time standing still
So many trails to unknown scenes
That have yet to be explored
With pen, paint or amore
The fairy walks as she contemplates
Deep thoughts process 
As deep as the forest itself
As the debate continues
Within her
Of what road to take
How does the Fairy leave the forrest?
and weigh all that could be at stake.
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