Tom, Delores, and Jeanette: A Scene.

Tom: I’m sor-

Delores: Please don’t say it again, okay? You’re starting to make me feel guilty. (pulls out a cigarette,  but her lighter doesn’t work) Damnit (looks to Tom) do you a light? A match? Anything?

(Tom shakes his head no)

Delores: Oh well, I should probably quit anyway (Stares at cigarette, Tom looks down at his hands, they are quiet)

Tom: Are you sure you are okay?

Delores: (smiles weakly at him) I’m fine, trust me. Fine.

Tom: Because if you’re not-

Delores: I said I was fine.

Tom: I’m sorry

Delores: (lets out a heavy sigh) I should probably go now.

Tom: (pulling her back) No, just stay a little longer please

Delores: (kisses his forehead) She’ll be home soon.

Tom: I know.

Delores: Please stop looking at me like that.

Tom: Lo, I love you-(goes into kiss Delores)

Delores: (refusing kiss) No, you don’t. You have a wife that loves you very much and you love her. This, this…was just…fun (puts on stockings) You don’t have to lie to me or convince me or yourself that this is something more than what it is….(Delores has a sad, helpless look) We had some fun, now it’s time for everything to go back to…normal.

Tom: I wish you wouldn’t say things like that. (Delores looks up at him) I wish you wouldn’t leave. I wish you would believe me when I say that you are beautiful….I wish I could see you on the inside. Granted with the way you smoke it’s probably not very pretty (Tom and Delores laugh awkwardly) I wish you would let me kiss you with the lights on.

(Tom and Delores kiss)

Jeanette enters

Jeanette: What is this?! What the fuck is going on here?!

Delores: Oh Jesus-

Jeanette: Tom. Look at me. What the hell is this?

Delores: Look, it’s-

Jeanette: Was I talking to you?

Tom: Jeanette, I’m sorry, please-

Jeanette: Where are Josh and Jamie? Are they home?

Tom: They are upstairs asleep, I’m-

Jeanette: You had HER in HERE with MY children. OUR CHILDREN in OUR home?!

Delores:  (very scared, almost crying) We never meant for anyone to find out, I never thought that this, that you’d-

Jeanette: Get out. GET OUT! (Delores starts to quickly grab her things) Tom, I can’t even look at you

(Delores is about to leave)

Tom: Wait! No! Jeanette, I love her.

Delores: (To Jeanette) No, he doesn’t. This never meant anything, it was a stupid mistake, He-

Tom: Shut up Delores, for once in your life, just shut the fuck up! Stop telling me what I think and I feel. Stop trying to convince me I’m wrong! I know what I feel! I love you. (To Jeanette) I love her.

Jeanette: So this is it, huh? This is how you repay me? You take my life! My love! You used me, you son of a bitch. You never once cared about me! We have a family Tom. You have two little boys upstairs. Two little boys that will learn life from you. I worked so hard to make you happy. I gave up everything so you could do what you loved, waste you time with this, this book and..and..I gave up everything for you. EVERYTHING! My hope! My dreams, happiness, all because I loved you. I loved you. And then I come home to find you with some ugly, little bitch and you telling me that you love her. You love HER. (To Delores) Are you happy? Are you happy with what you’ve done?


Delores: (hysterical, angry, hurt) I FUCKED UP OKAY?! OKAY?! I’m sorry, I didn’t think, I never meant, I just-we just-

(Silence, for a moment they are all the same, broken, confused people. Tired)

Delores: (hushed voice) I should, um, probably go home now. I’m sorry.

(Delores Exits)

Jeanette: What are we going to do?

Tom: I don’t know.

Jeanette: Oh, Jesus, goddamn, Tom, what’s going to happen to us?

Tom: I don’t know.


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