My Mom and Your Lover.

My mom ran away with your lover.

I saw them holding hands in the park

She had a smile on her face that rang of angels.

Maybe not-so-good angels, in this case.

They talk to flowers

And whisper their lives to clouds.

He cried once on her lap.

Those tears so clear

She held him, her baby


They packed their bags today

And left with just a word


I remember her laughing

Soft, southern bell

Hidden in night

Blinding those ordinary people

Who never smelled the dark.

That musty smell,

Flowers and dirt,

Shampoo and cigarettes

Attics, childhood memories

Fading photographs

Dusty, dirty, strong, robust.

God, she loved how he smelled dark.

My mom ran away with your lover today.

I never once thought to tell her to stop.

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