
Why did the take the one who makes my heart beat fast.

The one that brings a smile to my face,

The one that whips the tear drops from my eyes

Why did they take the most important  thing to  me, from me

The one who always makes me laugh, and is there to help with every bath.

The one who holds me all night.

The one who just sits and stairs at me while i sleep.

The one who tucks me in tight..

He told me to take it day bye day.

But i got to handle things my way .

Drugs and alcohol

 to help me stand tall.

The shorter i get, the more tears I shed.

With no one there to whip them way,

Or tell me everything is going to be okay.

So there it is

 Drugs and alcohol 

To keep me strong, while my man is gone

To help me take it day by day.

Maybe he will understand,

That i am trying to do the best i can  

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