Public Enemy #1


I have always
been at odds
with myself.


Wanting to change,
needing it,
requiring it.


How does one grow,
without changing
the things they see
in themselves?


Things that they hate,
detest, or never knew
they had in them.


Mine was quite recent,
things that were only
shed to light this week.


Traits in me that I
never knew dwelled
inside myself.


It wasn't her fault,
it was mine, and
I knew it.


And the more I spent
time with her,
the more I saw how
pathetic I was.


A cancer,
a disease,
that would only
be the death of her.


The more I pondered,
the picture of myself
only became clearer.


The man in the mirror
was as evil, and carnal
as the rest of them.


The ones I used to write about,
I was one of them,
I had become my own
worst enemy.

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