Literal confusion

singing songs of poetry

i'm lost and not just metaphorically

need someone to find me, literally

i've confused myself with figurative living

can't control how time is

with nothing left to bare

left with a barren soul or am i just soul-less

trying to sound soulful in things i write

not sure how to live a soul filled life

and i'm still singing long drawn out songs

full of similes and metaphors

trying to open and create my own doors

void of the real word

to avoid the whirl wind

everything real that's in it

because if i had my choice

i'd chose to not have to decide

because my nature is flawed and full

drowned in indecisiveness

and i'm not really sure if that's what it is...

but then again…

and i'm still not sure.

Robyn V. Evans

© 2003

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