So Addicted


Sometimes I wonder how…

I became so addicted.

It happened so quick,

I still remember my first hit

When I took that deep breathe

And I lingered for a minute,

That first buzz kicked in

And I was hooked.

I never thought that this would be me,

Calculating the next time,

Wondering when I could still away

And just vibe inside of myself

Because of the feelings I put in me.

Damn I can’t believe it happened to me

And no one ever expected it,

Because I was the good girl

And now I’d spend my last dime

To get that feeling again

And now that I’m a pro

I want it more and more

A little is never enough

And too much doesn’t exist.

I wish someone would’ve warned me,

That love would rule me like this.

Robyn V. Evans


© 2002

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