Tell Myself

this tragic routine is wearing me

no rest obtained when i drug myself out

yet every morning i arise baased on an interval

5 measly hours or so since i popped a pill

a full nights sleep, a total stranger

i search for something more time filling

i go crazy in the process

break down only to realize

hey, that just passed 90 minutes

i should really let sanity slip more often

sanity is for the weak i tell myself to comfort myself

knowing full well ill never be sane

knowing full well my brain cant stay on track

on this miniscule ammount of sleep

i know full well i make no sense to anyone else

but nothingness makes a lot of sense to me

go figure, i become more demon the longer my eyes apart

insomnia destorts my demonic figure though

who am i

who are you

who cares cause i sure as hell dont

nothing matters when you can never see straight

from blood shot eyes, all you want is one

only one good night of sleep

thats enough

that will do

that would amaze every sense

that, will never be

do i care? of course i do

do i hope? fuck yea i still do

am i optimistic? optimism is for the weak

or so i tell myself

maybe i am just the weak one

for all the bullshit i feed myself

weak is all i could be

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