The Stare

The stare of pure intimacy from such a stranger brings the idea of are we truly oblivious of one another. Are we truly just two beings that are clueless about each other. Or is it something deeper? Is it something deeper than what sits on the surface? Is it something more than a simple lonely eye can capture to put in such a perspective? I believe its something much more than a visual can bring forth understanding. That stare- this stare from her to her brings forth many future memories to be made, to be had, to be experienced. That stare-this stare is refreshing. That stare this-stare is so warming, so fulfilling, so powerful that is draws me closer to this stranger. That stare-this stare mingles my mind around so many words but all that comes out is hello. Seeming so unlikely to be right word, yet it was perfect as she replied, "hi" with such a soothing perfect pitch. That stare-this stare turn into these words-those words which brought out this laughter-that laughter and there it was again. This feeling, this unexplainable feeling of pure intimacy that didn't really need much explaining. It's was the two minds sharing such a Sapiosexual connection that it became clear. It was her. It is she. They say love at first doesn't site happen in reality. I agree. Because at this specific moment it felt as if reality stop, as if time stopped. Nothing else in the world mattered to me but to be here meeting her. Even if this feeling wasnt mutual, i am deeply satisfied to say it was experienced with her. She was perfect. She was she. She was her. This was it. This moment was going to be the first of many moments for us to share between one another. I know this, I had faith in this like the young child believes in Santa Claus. Idk what it was but each second being in her presence brought us closer. Whom would've know such a vibrant connection could be attainable by two strangers total ignorant to each other. I Married that woman. I married her mind, I married her emotions, I married her strength, I married her weakness, I married every single bit of her because of that first moment we shared. I married her because I wanted to be her shield. I married her because I wanted her to be there when the road got rough. I wanted to spend those rough times with her. Too many ppl get to the point of wanting someone for the positives. You can make with anyone if everything was always right. But this is life, nothing will be always be right. Things will happen, shit will go wrong. The question is saying "I Do" to those bad moments. I wanted her and only her to be there during those times. Because I knew then and still know now that without her I would've crumbled. And when it came to it she became my shield, she was my rock. She was she. She was her. This stare was still that stare. This stare never changed. The love in her eyes always remained the same. This laughter was still that laughter. This moment became those and many more moments. This feeling those feelings, are still these feelings. I'm in love.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My very first poem/story I wrote early this month. Decided to share it with the world. Please leave your honest feedback

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