
I have been eaten

Fed, chewed

Spat out by you

Bitten right through.

Found and rediscovered a way

I sit in silence

Nothing interesting to say

Cannot face the world today.

Drew the curtains

Dimmed the lights

Treated days like nights

Lost the urge to fight.

I am at war with me

Battling with myself

Scraping at my wounds

Aiming at a target called me.

Who needs enemies

When you have yourself

I treated me worse

Than I’d treat an enemy.

I’ve had enough of playing pretend

Save the glory until my end

I lost the war, I lost the fight

Much to my self- loathing delight.

I am shedding blood of my own

In my darkened box called home

I lie in silence wondering why

I’m not on my own side.

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