For the nobodies

They say friends and lovers come and go

But family is forever

And that pets will die but their love is eternal

But we go out and replace them with another soon after


Think about this and ponder the words

Cause nothing makes sense

Regardless of who says

What they say

Or where it's said

Nothing ever matters


No matter who you lose

Whether it's your dog, cat, aunt, uncle, mother, brother, father or sister

Nobody cares after it's over

We forget and move on

Never looking back


Can you tell me the names of who you lost?

Do you remember how they died?

How old were you?


Some of us remember

The ones you all say are abnormal

We are the ones who run the world

We see the lies

The hate

The sadness


We control the feelings, even though we can't control our own

We cry for you

We feel your pain

We are the...





You don't see us cause you don't want to

You know we exist but don't care to share our pain

You live in your perfect little world

Your fake existence

Your false love, happiness, succession



We are the ones to stay in the shadows

To never love the way you do

To never smile, or laugh

We exist for collection



Words mean nothing

Yet we repeat them like super powers

They hurt like bullets

Tear like knives

Kill like cancers

Sooth like drugs


But they mean nothing

The man on the moon is saddened by your lack of faith

Think in something other than words

We are the ones who have powers

The abnormal ones

We can move mountains

Walk through a hail of bullets

Stay still in a tornado

Breathe underwater


We just never talk about it

Because words are useless

Actions are powerful

But if we show you

We are evil


You knew something was wrong with us

Whisper in your meaningless tongues

We will not speak

We have our own language







Words are useless

Feelings are fake

We know it all

Because we are






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