I don't know

You didn't want to talk;

I didn't know what to say.

I'm sorry I can't love you

If you want you'll be okay.

The things I love you treat with a mild neglect. If you understood how I love taekwondo I think you'd love it to, or at least appreciate it. My words mean nothing to you. You never understand what I'm saying, you see nothing behind them. The things my eyes are crying out you miss. Words are a waste of time. I think you need to anticipate less. Fairy tales are far and few, but not impossible. Don't expect someone to hurt you, because you can make people prove you right. Don't expect everything to be perfect. Say what you're feeling as honeslty and immediately as you can. Treat things you feel seriously about seriously. No one will understand you when you try to sugarcoat them.

I've had a lot of people tell me they love me, but I rarely believe it. It's not a trust issue, I'm not upset. They're not lying. They don't know what that means. Just because we didn't work out doesn't mean you're not beautiful or fun or perfect for someone. I can't be sorry for that I gave my heart away to someone else. I wouldn't lie to you. I hope things work out for you. I hope you meet someone that's perfect for you.

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