The Cost of Indecision

A house divided cannot stand;

I learned that from a wise old man.

But now I'm learning it goes much farther.

I life devided is much, much harder.

I saught to leave and travel far from home,

But the grass wasn't greener as the sage told

When I finally got away I missed my grass,

And longed to come home to my unloved past.

Not to say my new home wasn't fine.

Just different. But I had lost what was mine,

So all my life I've been stuck inbetween.

Pulled both ways, being torn at my seems.

Now a time has come and I'm not so young.

I have to decide what's to come.

Either way shows promise, in separate ways.

But how to live for the rest of my days?

Now in the end I've learned to be content.

Unfortunately so much of my life is spent.

I hope you follow these words of wisdom:

Love what you have. Avoid your own prison.

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