in between cycles at work you touched my cheek for no reason, and i didn't stop you

my skin still tingles up on my cheek where your fingers rested a second ago

"i just always wanted to do that"

you mumbled walking away- (getting back to work?) i don't want you to get off so easy though-

"to me? or just someone in general?"

i ask, coyly. coy is king. you are smooth though, so very smooth-

"you figure it out"

once to busy to respond- i move on- i can forget about this. you walk by again, with that smile- the one that lights up any non-battery powered light bulb.

"figure it out yet?"

but i'm reluctant to answer. see i want it to be me. only me. (for once in my life) maybe it was... maybe i had something on my face. in that case, thank you for not letting me look like a fool.

my heart is foolish enough.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i worked with phillip on wednesday morning in cyclone sams. i don't understand him. but hey, i have all summer to learn.

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