this new story, this old title, this happy ending...

they're not ready

                       not for the downpour

             the wealth of love

there's so much to say

                         and their eyes haven't seen

                         everything there is to see

                                 just yet

i hold the key

and i want to let you in

so open up

this heart of mine

and subject yourself

                  to every




that spills out onto

this mundane life

you lead

                you've read all the manuals

                  but these instructions

                     are special

                       for you

don't tell a story

when you know

the ending

keep this suspense

            and they'll always

                        be wanting more

                                more and more

then ever before

this love

        this heart

                 this life

                         this story

                                  this ending

never ends

when i know you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

so, i'm having a good day.. so shoot me! bah!!!

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