I am ok now

Old Works

I have mood swings this I know
I light to fight, even with you
my friends keep calling
they know I am falling
I am always late
my hair is a mess even if its straight
I don't do well with directions
I am not good with making love connections
I make a lousy girlfriend, ask my ex
at times my attitude is not at its best
I am never 100% sure of anything
but right now I am perfect as I am ever going to be
I am under control I got my head straight
I don't need you to tell me I am all right
I know now everything's going to fine
I know this even though your still not mine
I can hold my head up high and walk tall
I can stand here and not afraid to fall
I smile and its my real smile
I don't mind standing still for a while
I am in no hurry to grow up now
I want to experience life, with both feet on the ground
there is so much undiscovered
I am walking left to wander
with out you but its all right
I am ok, I found my own light
when I am in the dark and all alone
its then I know my heart is while
there's a million reasons why I cry
but now I know I wont die
my heart bruises I know that
but it doesn't stop my love for life
so here I stand ready for a start
I know now its ok if we are apart

Author's Notes/Comments: 

January 2 2005

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