Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi : Theatre


All these wars

make the world unhomely

make homes rust apart

make you fall asleep, riddled with calamities

All this love

yet loneliness still cuts you to the bone

All this death

just so we can meet -

nothing more?



to set the world ablaze

so poetry quickens in your hands

and inflames you with desire

Write, and wipe the slate

Infected by writing

you sweat in agony

from a bedsit

to the street and out into the wild


in full knowledge

of everything that's in your hands

both quill and string at your disposal


certain of what electrifies the body

sure of how to rig the scene


This little world beneath you

made of boredom, balsawood and string

jerks between your fingers in a dream

Spirited away

you drink it in like scent

Are you scared of scorpions? Are you scared of blood?

Take refuge in the wings

But beware the spotlights, beware of being fingered

This little world beneath you

is here to give you all the answers

Is it worth the precious link that wrote it -

the cost of these fresh tears?


Light stings the page of your face

And it strikes her

as she dusts the faded wardrobe near the bed -

like a dagger, suddenly

it rends the dark

blazing with the whole world's brilliance,

leaves her flushed,

spoored, wet

and flat out in astonishment


We latch on to bewilderment, to ink, and to departure

Living in our dreams, unfurling handkerchiefs,

we bring news to the bars of mirror and nausea,

smoke-rings, gossip, tales

From the oneness of white we plumb our ink,

from the oneness of all directions

Tears merge

Surprise arrives

All around you tombstones rise


Waiting in front of a door that's behind you,

I watch it open with a rabab

so you can go back to the past with your spotless future,

refilling your boasts with light after they'd rotted through ashore,

restocking the wares of your mighty stories

like a bird refurbishing its nest

Those who went before you

live in a stupor,

their lanterns barging through your door

The flush of dawn


by the taint of dusk

Your face is familiar,

but what about the face in front of you

faced towards the door behind you?

. . . . . . as you go back to the past with your blameless future


The price of war: perpetual loyalty;

eschewing tomfoolery;

feigning naivety

The price of love: ceaseless quarrels

with the fathers of procedures

and the mothers of proficiency

The price of death: eternal life

in the grave of love and the theatre of war

Life at the ends of obedience

Life at the end of the world

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