I Built My Own Empire

Junior Year

I built my own empire. My grasp had flung far beyond what the eye could see. My subjects, all loyal, returned everyday with news of greater expanses and new food. Our hills, like mountains in our eyes extended over this land, we truly were the rulers of this place. But it all ended with one step of a fudgsicle faced giddy little boy. Because once he had noticed what he had done, he continued in an exhaust of childish laughter, stomping and kicking. My armies, thought outnumbering the child greatly, were weak and helpless to the massive blue Keds. Oshkosh bouncing up and down as my population died before me, I was left with one thought. We are all ants. As we are ants to them, they are ants to others, and only exist as they are allowed to exist by their Keds stomping, Oshkosh wearing masters.


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