Search ended

Looking for myself yeah it's been hard 

Constantly wandering going pretty far

I looked high and low

Over there over here

But the one place I didn't go

Was straight to the mirror

I've always been me and me's always been I

I couldn't help but wonder where I went and why

When things became clear I'd realized what happened

My mind was in a dark place my heart had been flattened

I had alot of hate and sadness to boot

It's no wonder then the words would follow suit

They left me I thought, how could that be?

Never realizing my art had never left me

The words had become empty fake and hollow

My sister had died no wonder I'd wollow,

IN self pity and anger and hate galore

When that finally stopped I could write once more

Since I've moved on I've been a few places

Moved to a new town and met some new faces

Life is an adventure no need to tell you I'm sure

But one things for certain I can't wait to see what else life has in store

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