i'm thinking of it

we arise all the early

blown awake by the sound

of the clock that starts ticking

and running us down

the days they grow weary

and the hours they crawl

while we ask and we wonder

about our trips and our falls

our minds start racing

and we know not why

we scatter the blanks

we lengthen our sighs

our body is heavy

and our mind like weight

we stand and we watch

the clock fade away

but now that im speaking

in such a negative tone

may you find peace in knowing

you are not alone

there are others beside you

standing to stare

but what they do not know

is something you and I share

when we awake in the morning

He whispers rejoice

of what sounds like an alarm

may as well be His voice

and the time is not running

without His hand to guide

its time we are using

with Him by our side

and our worries they pile

the dragging of the clock

is more than we can handle

so He becomes our Rock

we remember His mercy

His grace and His love

and our sighs become hopeful

at the thought of

and our bodies grow lighter

at the press of His name

and suddenly we feel

that the clock has no name

and deep in our hearts

like an ocean and beach

it collides with His grace

and we stand strong on our feet

for His load is light

and we thirst for His mind

and then we realize

in Him there’s no worry of time

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