Clouded Gratitude

You, have left me here, fingers flailing to grasp the small illusions of hope, that whisper to the depths of my imperfections, giving me faith that perhaps not all in this world is lost. That not all I once thought only found in movies and stories is extinct in this crushing existence. You have perhaps without knowledge, or intent given me something so precious and priceless that I greedily attempt now to hold onto, for as long as the twisted fates allow. Nothing in life is forever. You see a woman's heart is a depth-less ocean, one in which many never will truly reach the bottom of, and within the safely secured chambers, lasting impressions are scarred upon empty walls, and here your impression shall be eternal, untouched by time, unmarred by the unjust world in which we live, and despite what broke paths we follow, intertwined or separate, you have given me hope and that is something I cannot ignore.

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