+ 27.225 MHz: Encomium To The Apostle And Evangelist Saint Matthew

Not long enough ago---the memory still too fresh---

you sat at the tables of tax assessment,

pouring over the tablets of tax enforcement

as the coins collected by your enforcers

poured into the Roman coffers.  Empires

are rather expensive to operate; the

laws of the Senate and the People of Rome

require that this province to fill and complete it account

according to the estimates and adjustments

handed down by Prefect Pilate and Tetrarch Antipas,

servants to the greed of Imperator Tiberius.

Called away from all that by Christ Jesus---

Son of God, Son of David, born in

Bethlehem, the City of David, from the womb of the

Blessed Virgin from Nazareth---He Whose presence the

Star proclaimed:  Himself the Supreme Star,

arisen out of Jacob (as the Moabite foretold).  Christ, the Light,

dispelled the world's darkness and defeated Death,

restoring to His Faithful the eternal, spiritual breath.

Now, at the writing table in your house in Antioch,

you are composing a complete account of Christ's

Words and Deeds, as handed down by your memory,

invigorated by the Holy Spirit:  the oracles of Christ,

Son of God, Son of Abraham, Son of David,

Son of Mary, Sun of Righteousness, the Daystar.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Apostle and Evangelist Saint Matthew's Gospel contains one of my most favorite Bible verses:  2:1.

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