Climbing Shadows



The clock ticks and

while its perpetual clicks tock to three,

a girl picks up her head.


Her eyes-

that seemed as gems in the daylight

beads filled with beauty and purpose-

are hidden in a weary face

filled with worry and late-night deepness.


Realizing that sleep has lost

the battle

she creeps down the stairs and feels pulled by the outside world.


Shadows upon shadows

on a ground unknown to her.

This dark night is one unseen by her before.

The three AM shadows pull her in,

catch life with the wind,

climb fences and stones.


She manages to pull

her eyes away from the unknown scene.

It is much too dark

for her weary eyes to handle.

Up the stairs,

through the door,

on the bed.


As she is about to close her eyes,

the shadows on the window catch life again.

She dreams of the sun

and the days before.


Though she may not have been the only one that night,

pulled by the darkness,

the shadows tried and tried,

into a superficial abyss she fell.

"Good bye,"

said the shadows.

"Until we climb you and your grave."

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