The Wrong Kind of substance

This is just too much!

One person shouldn't person shouldn't have to put up with this.

How can people be this way?

All they do is want to be loved but all they really do is drive them away.

Drinking, threatening to kill yourself and others doesn't solve anything.

Drinking just drowns your sorrows and makes things worse.

Threatening to kill yourself is just not the way to go.

Then when you say your gonna kill others people get worried and scared.

At this time you may think you hate everyone and they hate you.

But those that love you can never truely hate you.

The ones you love get scared by these actions.

Your family can't truely love you when you are like this.

Then there is this violence or anger that you must release which the drinking makes worse.

When you inflect this pain of yours on those you love you hurt them not only physically but meantally and emotionally

Drinking doesn't make anyone love you.

If anything it makes them wanna stay as far away from you as possible

You can physically and verbally abuse someone but there is only one that hurts worse.

Your thinking it must be physical.

Nope its verbal because wounds heal.

Words stay with you through life.

Which do you think hurts worse?

A punch in the stomach or someone you love telling you that you will never make anything out of yourself?

For some reason this flows right out of my pen onto this paper

I wish it didn't.

I wish it wasn't this easy.

This just comes too easily.

But one thing that doesn't come easy from all of this is recovering from the seizure I took from it all

All those hurt feelings.

Those words came so easily out of his mouth so did that hand coming around to hit me.

Writing this isn't all that easy because its hurts so much.

But I don't think it will be easy for me to forgive him for it all.

I wish it would but I know it won't.

I always thought and was told it was my fault but now I know different.

This violence is caused by drinking which wouldn't have been done if the person never started.

So please think about all those abuse cases

They are all results of drinking.

So just keep that in mind before you pick up your first beer

Would you like to be that abused child?

I wondered what it would be like if he wasn't like this?

If he never picked up that first beer.

Would he be nice?

Would he have been a better father?

Would he have been a better husband?

Would my parents still be married?

Or would it have still been this way?

I will never know.

I will always forever wonder these questions.

This is all because he got mixed up with beer and never left it.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just keep your head up no matter what

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