
Me (Low)

aybe the suffers

of wandering mothers has gone

Maybe the tides of unrest

are still longing to come

Maybe the wisdom of others

is saught for the wisdom of nothing

Maybe I am dying

with my self inflicted cancer

Maybe the lovers

will find their hearts to be

Maybe the haters will

be there to avenge me

Maybe the preachers

have geiven up hope

Maybe I might

hope for them

But I pride myself

For having everything in the world

And I hope that

You will have it too

And I think that the world

Would be better off without us

I hope that WE

Will be gone soon

Maybe I have

listened to reason

Maybe I should of

thought before I struck

Maybe the world is

better without the one's I scorn

Maybe I'm just

thinking too much

You will see my heart overload

But my freedom is never going

You will see my mind in madness

But madness is sanity

You will go the ends of the earth to save me

But saving's not anough

What I need

Is emptyness and reconstitution

Maybe I should

think before I speak

Maybe I should

curse before I sleep

Maybe I should die

before I live

But these are things

You will never get

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