
In my childhood and teenage

years I had a cousin, which him

and I were like the ocean and

sand, inseparable;

I would share my early poetry

writings with him, he was 

actually my first critic!  

In our childhood we became

tougher by fighting each other

although I never took too much

pride in fighting, he's a fighter!

He's also an artist who's canvas

paintings at times reflected my

poetry. I remember the time I

wrote a poem after a dream I had.

I was so eager to show him the

poem, I ran to his house, to my

surprise I found him painting on a


I gave him my poem to read as I

acknowledge his painting--we both

looked at each other with an 'aw'

because what I had just written he

had painted.

That is when we knew our minds

were connected; this was 20 years

ago, today I hardly see him! Not

that I don't want too, or the time in

our life's doesn't allow, but feel I

am of a nuisance or bother in his

life now.

Yes, I'm wild in nature, but the

more I see him the more distant he

seems, or maybe I am the one who

seems distant, but I have made an

effort to keep close, yet seems so

far in my effort!

I miss my cousin Orlando, the

previous version! Maybe we've

grown to far apart to come close

again! Maybe! 

Remember a cousin sometimes

becomes the only brother or sister

who knows you better than most

including your own siblings.

He was a brother to me! Every day I

reminiece on the good ol' days!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I miss my cousin!!

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