In the forest

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In a green fresh forest with lakes, big tall trees and flowers live a big brown bear. There you will see him in the morning going to find fresh fruits and in the afternoon he will be resting under a big leafy tree that he called it home. In home the bear meets all his friends, the little bunny, the wise owl and the happy squirrel. Every afternoon they met to play and have a good time; they were really good friends. The winter arrives and the time to hibernate comes, the bear was ready to fall into a long and profound sleep. He say goodbye to his friends and walk to the cave. To get into the Red Indian cave was a one-day walk, he finds his preferred rock, put his head down and fall asleep. Three months later he wakeup desperate to see his friends, he was longing those times in the lake playing and eating fresh fish. But when he starts waking up he feel that something was different, the smell was not the same. Usually it was fresh and full of the flowers perfume, but now it was full of ashes and smoke. After he get out the cave anything was the same, he was horrified about everything; there were no more threes, no more lakes, no more friends, everything was burned and destroyed. The trees were covered with fire and its glorious leaves were gone. In that same moment a big noise start to sound from the center of the earth, like an earthquake or something. He was scared, he really was, he was crying, were his friends will be? 
There in his sadness an eagle came from the sky, he was beautiful, his wings were strong and full of feeders; his eyes reflect peace and braveness at the same time. The big bear was amazed by the presence of this extraordinary eagle. He feels glad to see another animal alive but at the same time he was afraid of this extraordinary eagle. The bear have a lot of questions so he put aside his fears and ask the eagle what was happened to the forest. The eagle present her self “ I’m the guardian of the skies, from the highest I watch everything and everyone.” The bear also presents itself “ I’m the big brown bear, I live here, this is my home but now it is destroyed. Do you know what happened here? The eagle start explaining to the bear all that happened in there, the time of the earth as they know it was ended because of the evil forces of the bottom of the earth. The bear was very sad about this, and ask the eagle what he could do to change this. The eagle tells him that from above he has seen many survivors: bears from other caves, some moose, bunnies and other animals; and that him bring them together in the high mountains to rebuild the forest. The eagle also explains that in this mission his collaboration will be necessary and in the high mountains he will find a new home. So the big brown bear decide to join them and rebuild the forest.


Soraya Quiroga
Miriam Bustamante 

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