Farewell, California


A heap of trash-once-treasure groans inside bulky black bags.

Minimizing the memories

And discarding the days before this,

I turned my back on the desolate room,

The same room we four girls would squeeze into one bed,

A superb slumber party where no one would sleep,

Cherry cheeks blushing,



First love, first loss,

An iceberg of few surface memories,

But a massive myriad of past images suppressed underneath.

Dandelions and tulips in spring,

Sandals over shoes,

And swimsuit tans in lazy summer.

It all swirls behind me as it becomes a distant dot,

A dizzying mixture of black and yellow scars,

Smiles, tears, roses, vomit, laughter, and loneliness.

The lengthy pavement is captivating,

Bringing me closer to fear, freedom, and fresh beginnings,

Carrying me away from my mistakes and all familiarity.

A soft face of short stubble and calm brown eyes

Coaxes me out of my cold and confining cave,



One more chance to claim my future

And a farewell to California.

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