

Shivering in cold on a hot summer morning,

awake, prepared, awaiting sunrise and

chin barely touching the surface of water,

witness to darkness being driven out

by the protruding golden orange rays

three dips in the flowing river,

cupped palms releasing water to water

with a whisper growing in loudness

A-pavi-tra-ha pavi-tro-vaa

sarva avas-tha anga-ha


yat sma-rae-tu

pun-da-ree kaa-ksham

sa baa-hya a-bhyan-tara-ha suchi-hi

{O' Lord, forgive me from all my actions - performed by any and all limbs, in all conscious and unconscious states, and let [my soul] be pure for the duties [of today].}

three more dips in the holy river

and he is pure as his contented smile.

Years later, sitting on a dry carpet

a thought flows, washes over him;

cleansed and wet in tears

a contented smile drives out darkness.

Ganga flows again.


august 12, 2003

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