
With each passing light I stare ever more intently at your profile,

Fading, in and out, in and out.

I have come to the conclusion as I stare,

That I really don’t know everything about you like I thought I did.

I notice things now that I’ve never noticed before.

Like how a piece of your hair can’t slide behind your ear,

So it sticks out, screaming for attention.

Or how the only thing your contact lens ridge does is accent those deep, somber eyes

I can’t help but lose myself in.

Or maybe it’s how if I stare closely enough I can see the muscle in your neck,

Twitching to the melodic beat of your heart.

Lub-dub, Lub-dub.

Pulsing in time with the passing lights.

And I know that when it’s all over,

I’ll still know that after all we’ve been through,

I am still only just beginning to know you.  

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