This Age is My Waiting Room

When I was young,

At least, younger than I am

I always wondered about this age

The waiting room phase

It felt as if life would end

Either that, or begin again

The moment I reached this stage

I wouldn't be me anymore

In many ways, I was right

Because I've changed monumentally

Do I like it? I can't really say

I can barely form the words these days

I work like a dog to prove a stupid point

To confirm that I am mine

I save my money but it never seems to help

I'm always feeling poor after hours

My friends are here, scattered about

Something like they used to be

I can't feel the foundation, maybe it's left

But there's no reason for it to matter

The girl's gone away

And that's okay

She wasn't for me

She wasn't supposed to be beside me

But I hurt for no reason

And I feel so lonely every single day

There's never been anything missing

But that doesn't stop me from complaining

I can't make anything work for long

Can't make anything continue on

Can't bring myself to be happy

Can't be all right

And everybody says that that's fine

And I don't want it to be fine

And I keep trying

And I keep failing

And I don't know how to occupy my time in here.

I'm really sick of waiting.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Nobody deserves anything better, and I'm no different.

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