Memory and Observation v.7

That's great. Real fucking great.

Today we took Lauren to Zen and Now to let her know that her boyfriend is a dick, and that he's cheated on her twice, once actually molesting a girl in the process (due to drunken influence and unconsciousness). I'm pretty sure she believed us, but now, she's pissed. Particularly at me. And John... Who didn't say anything. I more or less accidentally took on the role of telling her that she had an unfaithful boyfriend, since Tara/John/Nicole refused to. I'm fine with that, it needed to be done, but now I'm at fault. I guess. It was a pretty stupid thing to do it in public with a lot of people. I shouldn't feel this bad, I didn't set it up. I suppose I could've stopped it, but I hadn't thought about that at all. I was sure that on my own, she just wouldn't believe me. I didn't want her to feel attacked or cornered, we actually were trying to help.

I'm fairly sure I lost a friend today. Even her family's angry at me.

I hate you, TIM Felton (don't spell your name with a Y you fucking loser).

If it wasn't for you, Lauren wouldn't have changed. Lauren would still be the nice, absent-minded girl she always was. So I declare my hatred, and pray that you spend a deserved period of time in hell.


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