Spring's Imagination

A tiny delicate creature sat upon the ground,

she shivered in the freezing winds all around.

Her hair shimmered, a rainbow of color flying all around her.

Her gray eyes, full of sad and frustrated tears were a blur.

Gossamer wings fluttered to and fro

as she looked for a place safe from the snow.

Spying a dead brown leaf, she wrapped it around herself,

she longed for the sun to come out and show itself.

Always moving, never stopping, Spring stood and continued her trek.

Soon she began to tire, cold droplets of snow melted down her neck.

Miserable she was when she fell to her knees,

Spring prayed to the Gods, hoping they'd hear her pleas.

A small white mouse playing nearby, heard her whispered cries.

He went and found her and using his tail, he wiped the tears from her eyes.

"There's no use in tears, they only cause a mess,

besides you'll end up ruining your pretty dress!"

Spring laughed as she looked down upon her attire,

Ripped and torn in places, the now frozen hem had been singed by fire.

"Oh sir mouse, I am afraid you are mistaken this time.

For here I am shivering, lost, and alone. Hoping for what is not mine."

At this the mouse stopped and thought long and hard,

"Why my dear Faerie anything is possible! Just think of a bard!

Bards create what no one else has the talent to do,

I don't see why the same couldn't be said of you!"

As the mouse scampered off, Spring sat and pondered.

"Can one little Faerie really change all of this?" she wondered.

Idly, she began to shape a flower from the snow.

The stem long and thin, the leaves crisp and sharp, the petals seemed to glow.

She continued making more as she wandered here and there,

imagining a world full of colors as bright as her hair.

Soon she grew tired, and fell asleep beneath the roots of a tree.

Exhausted, she did not realize the mouse had followed with eyes agleam.

The morning dawned clear and bright,

Spring opened her eyes when she felt the warm sunlight.

She let out a gasp in surprise, for the snow and ice were gone.

All around her the world shone green, in the distance sparkled a pond.

Her perfect delicate ice flowers were no longer lifeless!

"Good morning my dear Faerie!" before her stood one of the timeless.

"But...how...when..." Spring sputtered still in shock.

The old man laughed, a pleasing sound like the chime of a clock.

"I did tell you anything was possible did I not?

Did you really think that because you are small your prayers would go unheard?"

Spring was speechless, in the distance she heard the chirping of a bird.

"I never thought one tiny creature such as I

could ever create this beauty I see," Spring let out a sigh.

"Silly Faerie, The world is created by each persons dreams.

It would only suffice if all creatures helped make it as it seems.

Without imagination, without hope, none of us would be here,

Now this creation needs a name! What do you think my dear?"

You should have heard the lengthy debate between the two

but finally they decided to use the "old" for the "new."

"We'll call it Spring," the timeless old one declared.

"Named after you the flowers will bloom, the sun will flare."

Spring smiled at the thought of being remembered forever.

"This day and all after will be lived happily ever after."

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