The Hardest Choice

08. Tough Choices

I sit here and I'm afraid,

a child shivering in the night,

dreading what my future might hold.

Engaged to a wonderful man

but feeling trapped,

as a little golden bird in a cage,

stuck in a future I am unsure about. 

How do you know what's right?

How do you know what's wrong?

Will my fear of the unknown

bring on my own destruction?

I want to live, to be free

to take the path I choose

and not be held to this place and time. 

I want to pursue my dreams

but I feel stuck and I am at a loss

because he has planted his roots

and I have not. 

Do I love?


Do I dream?


Why can't both intertwine?

I long for my dreams 

to be reality 

but I feel this need to choose.

Do I choose the love of a man,

the sight of him helping to raise my child,

the comfort and peace I feel in his arms?

Or do I risk all to follow my dreams,

take the path towards a career

that would help to define me as a person

and includes all that I am passionate about in life?

I am torn and distressed,

my heart is so confused,

I thought being in a relationship 

was supposed to help boost you up

and not tear you down. 

All I'm feeling now is pain:

the pain of having to choose,

the pain of having to either

give up my love

or give up my dreams. 

Some might find it shallow, 

some might say my love is not so strong

if I choose a career over my relationship.

But I've already given up so much in life

must it always be this way?

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