In Cherry Blossom Time


As is spring -I am gone yet I will always be
My essence remains - that which made me unique
And my love for you IS, that cannot be destroyed
Not by time or by distance or even by death

Yet you fear that you forget me - cannot recall my face
Is that really who I am, or am I my inner grace?
If I come back in a different form - am I not still me?
If I stand before you different, who then will you see?

If you take another to your heart they cannot take my part
I am not diminished that you add another to your heart
They add their own chapter to your life; they do not take from me
They add joy to your days and have their own space in your heart

As the sweet cherry blossom is not a photo in your mind
It is a memory, a delicate scent, a soft color, a silken touch
So then am I as I have changed through the years with time
But our two hearts beat as one and my essence remains unchanged

© Candace / Silver Dawn


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