You're All I See In Pitch Black & Blank White

March 2013

Once i could just close my eyes and see,

darkness, no girl and the pain she hands me,

now all i see in pitch black and blank white,

is the smile you threw me one night,


you reached for my hand, leaned in for a kiss,

turned my eyes to you, met you lips with lips,

now dumping sips and marrying gulps,

a mind like mine must have too much pulp,


what a crazy world we live in, insane,

that we hate what the News shows as pain,

instead of the brain that goes through hell,

by just the words you mouth, whisper or yell,


no way to tell my land beyond this hill,

but still i will move at my pace, at my fill,

until all the pain leads to something,

i'll see you blushing and feeling like nothing.

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