
How can something
make me so happy
Make me so terrified?
How can something
I've wanted for do long
destroy me inside?
So many negative emotions
in such a happy place
What is wrong with me
Just be happy.
It can't be that hard
I'm trying
Trying SO hard
So hard to handle everything
Everything on my own
It's not working
Crying, Crying, Crying!
So much crying
In the corner
In the bathroom
In silence
Why are you such a crybaby?
You know crying doesn't help
Why are you such a bother?
You make people worry
Worry about you
Stop It,
Just stop
You are ruining there fun.
You are just in the way
"I'm Fine!"
"i'm Okay"
That's all you need to say
You are always okay
Always fine
Grow up you idiot
People shouldn't scare you
Human interaction shouldn't scare you
Why are you so fragile?
Why are you still here?
Do they really want you here?
They are just being nice
They feel bad for you
You are doing nothing important
You are useless and pathetic
Your things are falling apart
You are falling apart
You are falling
Why are you still here?