Lullabye Goodbye

"Lullabye, Goodbye"


All of this time, and all of these thoughts,

Have been a long climb, like a wolf chasing fox.

My thoughts become words, became ink from my mind,

I'm a little bit deaf and a little bit blind.


Like melodies singing ever since the beginning.

White canvas awaiting, reach brushes starting painting.

Through branches and nature, the wind kindly blows by,

with rhythm as reading, lullabye goodbye.


Sometimes refreshing the heat on my skin,

healing emotions and all things within.

Birds will go flying across the blue sky,

whistling creatures flying up they fly high.


Gardens keep growing, and it's time to spring sprung.

My silence unknowing, like the cat's got my tongue.

Unending tracks, playing with lyrics and voices,

plucking guitars, drummer drumbeats rejoices.


And feet keep on walking barefoot the desert,

Sweet sweat dripping drops, drops soaking my shirt.

And escaping and running and running to rest,

The eagle's been flying and can rest in the nest.


The clouds become fire, my desire flies higher,

like brooms landing witches, and burning all bridges.

If you pay in advance, unexpected romance,

and there's a fat chance to go rags into riches.


From sunrise to sunset, all of this mindset

Where I stand and I talk, my legs shaking as walk.

I'm hearing a sound, that's been spinning around,

All smiles become frown, shatter pieces the crown.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 2015.

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