In Search

As twilight set in

Amidst the constant din

He searched the street

Eagerly desiring to meet

The love of his heart

In the crowded mart.

At every little sound,

Expectantly he turned around,

A glimmer of hope in his eyes

Under the still starry skies

Where winds softly whisper.

Finally he spotted her

In the lights dim

Her beauty beheld him

Her graceful poise

Her enchanting eyes

Flashed upon his inward eye

Images deep within that lie,

Visions that love arose

Time immemorial knows.

On the springs of a dream

She was a gliding stream

The sound of a lovely song

Her tresses flowing and long

Done without care or caution

Were the foam of an ocean.

Her face serene and calm

Her approach so warm

She was a pearl rare

A maiden lovely and fair

A dainty lily in the park

A lone star in the dark.

Soon she edged past

And reached him at last

Together their eyes bound

Unaware of the turmoil around.

In the moonlit daze,

Locked in her embrace

The world ceased to exist

Life seemed a distant mist.

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