Less attainable

The more you want something

The less attainable it becomes

Maybe that’s why I could never keep you

I wanted you for so long

I did everything to keep your attention

But soon hope was lost

I tried time and time again to get you back

If only action had been taken

When we knew it was safe

We would be together today

I could hold your hand

But now I only hold your gaze

Lost in the mystery of your eyes

The bashfulness of your heart

I kicked myself for days after

The day you told me

You didn’t feel the same anymore

An absent love

With no opportunity of returning

I know now that there is chance for love

Maybe not with you

But with someone else worth giving my life to

Don’t take me wrong

If the occasion ever arises again

That we are to bestow our hearts to each other

There’s no doubt I will give in

Because of the connection I thought we had

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