The end

In the end what will we be 

dust floating in an empty atmosphere 

silly particles bouncing around 

no one will ever know your secrets

no one will ever see your nightmares 

in the end we might be alone 

or maybe with dear friends and family

we may start over in a new universe full of a new kind of chaos 

we might be born knowing the truth 

at birth is when we recieve the most knowledge 

simply looking into someone's eyes

and knowing their stories

its a dangerous skill that we loose while noticing other  menacing patterns

our kind simply can't handle that kind of power

we'll abuse it till we kill everything in our path 

wreckless and pathetic 

like angry puppies

in the end we can start over

in a new imperfect world

maybe then we can handle something special

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Should I have posted this? It's just thoughts and theories I have floating around in my head right now

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