Priest Poison

The comforts I find in writing this story will not be for myself but the wails and screams of the dead that get no rest in an afterlife.  It will be for those very few that have managed to live.  If I forget one detail it will be two too many.  I am sorry that I must write this.  I feel the pain of everyone affected.

   As I was walking home that evening it was brisk, I did not bring a coat that night because of the scorching heat during the day.  I would've been listening to my music player but my lack of planning disallowed me to realize the my rechargeable batteries needed well... recharging.  It was God's will that I heard that moan that night.

At first I ignored it, why should I get in the affairs of a whore and a John.  But why did this moan sound so wrong?  I was a virgin so I didn't know how they should sound.  Still this one sounded so wrong.  I peered into the car that the noise was coming from.

Terror was in the girl's eyes.  It was rape!  I then punched through the rear window, then I continued to rip through the window and tear him off of her.  My psychosis took over next but I do remember me saying some of this blood is mine when asked.  The next four months the girl and I became intimate and were expecting a child.  

Then one day a body was found in a fishing net in the Atlantic Ocean.  Three months later I was arrested for murder.  But in my psychosis I learned of all the men and women the sick bastard had raped and murdered.

So I offer this to those that were victims.  God had me avenge you now step forward and desecrate another priest's name.

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